SIGN Gift Catalog

Give healing surgery to a person in need as a gift, and we’ll send you a personalized card to honor your loved one.

Provide a Drill Cover

Enable SIGN Surgery by donating a drill cover so that hospitals can safely use an inexpensive drill in the operating room.

Give 1 SIGN Surgery

Restore a life and a family by helping a person quickly heal after suffering a fracture. Your gift gets them back on their feet.

1 Day of SIGN Surgery

Help SIGN Surgeons care for all the patients they see in a day’s work. Your gift provides SIGN Implants at no cost to the patients.

SIGN Hip Construct Implants

Keep people of all ages moving by providing sets of SIGN Nails and Plates to treat complex fractures near the hip.

SIGN Pediatric Implants

Get kids back in school by donating a set of SIGN Pediatric Implants specifically designed to stabilize fractures and protect growth centers of kids’ bones.

Second SIGN Instrument Set

Double the number of patients healed at a hospital by providing a second instrument set to increase efficiency at a busy SIGN Program.

Sustain a SIGN Program

Provide implants and instruments for a year, helping a SIGN Surgeon continue provide life-transforming surgery.

Start a New SIGN Program

Improve the lives of thousands by bringing a SIGN Program to a hospital in new community.

Your gift is a sacred trust. We promise to honor your generosity and use your donation in the most effective way possible. The gift options shown reflect items we provide to SIGN Programs at hospitals in low-and middle-income countries. Suggested donation amounts reflect the cost to produce and ship these items to hospitals that request them. Your gift will be used to meet requests directly from hospitals and provide the most benefit for their patients and surgeons.